Wild Colombian Cocoa Chocolate Tree (herrania umbratica)


Rare Dwarf Variety Grow your own chocolate on your porch or patio with this shade loving variety that flourishes in medium to large containers. The smaller cacao fruit pods produced by this amazing tree are 4-6 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter, have prominent ribs, hairy and green skin when immature and yellowish-red when ripe. Ripe pods will house a white, very sweet interior pulp that surrounds the seeds. Wild Colombian Cacao is a small to medium sized tree perfect for small shady spaces, reaching a maximum height of about 16 feet. Papery green leaves are palm-like, compound and have five to seven leaflets. Flowers are produced in clusters on the trunk, with a yellowish bud and open to reveal five oddly fleshy, deep purple petals with long draping ligules. Extremely Limited Supply

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