Bronze Shower Tree (cassia moschata)


Spectacular deep maroon, pink and golden yellow flowers completely cover this amazing tree in fairly long hanging pendants, usually around the late spring to early summer, in warmer climates. After one look at this tree in full bloom, with the bold deep colors, it’s easy to understand why it’s also referred to as the Pumpkin Blossom Tree. Oddly, while the tree is in bloom; virtually no leaves will be present. Bronze Shower Trees loudly colored flowers definitely send a signal to all bees and butterflies in the vicinity to come join the flower party. The hard and heavy wood of the tree is frequently harvested for its durability and is often collected for long burning fire wood. A fast-growing tree it can reaches 30 to 40 feet in height and 30 to 40 feet wide as it matures. This celebration of a tree ranks in the top 10 as one of our all time favorites.

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